My name is Sheng-Cheng, Lee.
People call me Benson.
I am a Taiwanese student major in Electrical and Control Engineering.
I am interested in Robotics, Autonomous Vehicle and Operating System.
I've been learning and playing in the field of Robots and Maker stuffs since high school, participating in many competitions and camps.
Currently, my research topic is LiDAR Semantic Localization.
I always want to do something interesting to improve the world.
It is important for me to be different and influencial.
This thought keeps me being aware of any oppertunity to learn and lead.
In Collage, I've joined many clubs and teams including student clubs, book clubs, a STEAM startup, and a team for international competition.
During these experiances, I've learned how to lead a team, develope a new system of underground mapping and searching, express my idea clearly ... etc.
Also these events have brought me many friends and connections.
On the other hand, I've been through failures and conflicts in the above teams.
In the hope of being a better man, I will keep trying and keep failing.
Projects on GitHub
Competition Experiences
Here are some of my educational and professional experiences
M.S. in Electrical and Control Engineering
Sep. 20 - present
Research Intern Autonomous Driving Vehicle Team
Apr. 20 - Dec. 21
B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Sep. 16 - Jun. 20
Note. Some of those are not completed on my own.
Click on the title to see more about it.
A Project Aims for Create A Phone-Driven Robot
Robot Designed for Searching and Rescuing in Terrible Environment. An Experimental Demonstration
An ECE Student Project to a New Mapping and Localization System with Anchors and Tags
High Accuracy Localization System Implemented in C++ Using PointCloudLibrary
This Is A Record of ArgoAI Tracking Competition